Alano.ONLINE - Your affordable online Alano Club!

Because you will be a member of our organization, the IRS requires that we collect your full name and residence address. We will never give out this information to other members or to any third party, and will store it on our server using the most secure means we can think of.

Fields that are highlighted are required.

Personal Information
Your full legal name
Your country of residence
Residence address
Address line 2
Personal e-mail address
You will use this address to log in.
You cannot sign up more than once.
Meeting Information
What program does your group study?
Web address of your program's meeting directory
Name of your meeting to look it up in your program directory
Taking over existing Alano.ONLINE meeting?
Meeting e-mail address
Different e-mail for group contact to be published on calendar if you selected that option, and to contact if you do not pay your dues.
What days does your meeting occur?
Local start time
Local end time
Time zone of meeting
Hybrid meeting?
Check if you meet in person with on-site teleconferencing.
Publish meeting on our calendar?
Additional info
Extra info about meeting: meeting focus, additional contacts, open/closed meeting, physical address if hybrid meeting, etc.
Account Setup
Do you agree to the rules?

Review the rules

Secure password

8-32 characters, with at least 1 number [0-9], lower-case letter [a-z], upper-case letter [0-9], and symbol (!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_{|}~)

Confirm password

© 2024 Alano Dot Online, a §501(c)(3) non-profit company.
